Every stage of communication for credit card transactions on our site is secured.

Site-Visitor Communication Security

Communication between the site and the visitor on the order pages of our site is carried out using the 128 bit SSL standard. The communication standard in question is of a nature that can be used safely even on sites with a large number of transactions. It indicates whether this form of communication is available on the page where credit card information will be given or not, when the page is accessed, the expression written in the address bar is in the form of https://.., not http://… When you access pages of this nature, there is a lock sign in the lower right corner of the browser.

Site-Bank Communication Security

Security regarding the transfer of credit card information from the site to the bank is achieved with the maximum security offered by the bank. In addition to many components of the security in question, the CVV2/CVC2 code is also used on our site as a precaution against shopping with stolen cards or card information.

On-site Data Security

During your transactions in a secure environment, no person, institution or organization can access your information except you and the bank that allocated the credit card to you. The credit card transaction page transmits the card information directly to the bank POS system and notifies the customer of the transaction result. Credit card information is not transferred via e-mail or similar methods. It is not possible even for us to access the credit card information transferred as a result of the online transaction.

www.baazscollection.com’S PRIVACY POLICY

www.baazscollection.com takes into consideration the privacy concerns of its customers and aims to protect their personal information at the highest standards. The purpose of this Privacy Policy section is to provide information about how www.baazscollection.com directs the order process in the purchases made by our customers and what information it collects from its customers. You can send us any problems and questions regarding the Privacy Policy by e-mail.

What Kind of Information Does www.baazscollection.com Collect from Its Customers?

Our goal is to give you a safe and enjoyable shopping experience. Any information we collect about you will help you present the products and services we offer more efficiently and in accordance with your needs. At www.baazscollection.com, you can review our products and browse the site without giving any information about yourself, but if you become a member, the information you provide will be visible to us. The pages viewed on the site are automatically tracked. It will use the information obtained here to analyze the general preferences and interests of our users and to provide better service. This information is your IP address, the URL addresses you browsed on our site, etc. it could be.

Cookies & Session

Cookies are information that any website keeps on your computer’s hard drive. The products that www.baazscollection.com users add to their cart while using the site and the information of these products are kept on your computer’s hard disk with the help of cookies and sessions. Cookies and sessions are never used to store sensitive information such as name, address, credit card number or password. Under normal circumstances, not having the cookies feature turned on in your browser does not prevent you from browsing our site, but your browser’s cookies settings must be turned on for the My Cart section to work correctly. Most browsers automatically accept this. If this feature is not selected, you can activate the cookies feature by manually setting it in your browser.

Personal Information

This information is the name, surname, telephone number, invoice or delivery note address requested from you in membership forms and product sales, and other personal information specified in the forms. This information may be given when placing an order, filling out comment pages about products, and in similar situations. Although providing some information is optional, providing this information is recommended for you to receive a better service.

Accessing and Updating Your Information

You always have the opportunity to review or change the personal information you provided to us when becoming a member. You can change or update the registered name, surname, contact information and preferences sections by logging into the system. We periodically send e-mails to our customers about new products, campaigns, or announcements. If you do not want to receive these e-mails or what type of e-mails you would like to receive, you can change the information on your profile page.
You can unsubscribe from www.baazscollection.com at any time. Your membership information will be deleted and will not be used by www.baazscollection.com.


www.baazscollection.com uses the SSL (Secure Communication Protocol) certificate, which is valid all over the world. In this way, the credit card information you provide on our site is encrypted and sent to the bank, and it is not possible to access your information during this process. No one can see your card number, including www.baazscollection.com officials.


People under the age of 18 cannot shop at www.baazscollection.com. www.baazscollection.com sells products for children and these must be purchased by an adult.

Privacy Policy Changes

www.baazscollection.com reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will become effective on the date of posting unless otherwise stated.

www.baazscollection.com Contact

You can send us an e-mail for your comments and suggestions regarding the privacy policy.